Mushie Baby Speaks Out
The world's biggest weasel, topping even George W. Bush and Arjun Singh speaks out today, and I love this. I mean, I've heard it before but he just puts it so damn well.
"Does one call terrorists in Sri Lanka Hindu terrorists? Why is Pakistan's bomb called an Islamist bomb? Why is India's bomb not called a Hindu bomb and that of Israel as a Jewish bomb?"
Umm...lets see. The reason a lot of people, shudder, use the word Islamic Terror, Islamo-Fasicism is that rightly or wrongly, its being done in the name of Islam. Sri Lanka's terrorists want a Tamil, not hindu homeland, and thus they are branded Tamil Terrorists (tigers, whatever have you). I wasn't exactly aware Israel had a bomb, though I garauntee you when they finally announce that they do, it'll be called a Jewish Bomb.
See, when terrorism is done in the name of something, to do this wonderful thing called differentiation, so that people know what you're talking about, we attach tags and names to things. Therefore, terrorism done in the name of Chairman Mao, god burn his soul, is called Maoist Terrorism. Terrorism done in the name of Islam is called Islamic terrorism. If this kind of association pisses you off,Mr. Musharraf as an Islamic Moderate any more or less than it would piss a Tam Bram off that people are calling the Tamil Tigers Terrorists, or piss a hindu moderate off when the world Hindu Fundamentalism is used in conjunction with RSS/Shiv Sena, then I think you've gone a long way in justifying the otherwise ludicrous opinions of the west vis as vis Islamophobia.
But sigh, who are we as Indians to lecture Mushie on the question of offending sensibilities. This is my country which banned Da Vinci Code, Water, Fire, The Satanic Verses, Coke, Pepsi, The display of Nude Art, and about a thousand other things because it "offended someone's sensibilities". I wish people would grow up, but then I read our constitution and realise they're not going to. Because our freedoms are not absolute, so they don't have to care.
Such is life.
I'm very busy. And very happy. I think I'm in love. Again. It keeps happening every so often. Quite pleasing.