Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Exam Week

Its that delicious time of the year again. I hate this week, its boring beyond belief. Half my exams over, and I've lost all will to study. Part of it is because, well, studying is an extremely un-fun thing to do but part of it is also the paper I wrote today. I've never written a three hour long paper where I walked out feeling that I need a minimum of another hour and a couple more booklets to do justice to the paper.
The paper was Economic Analysis of Law, which I have taken to like a fish takes to lemon. Were it a different world, I'd even consider doing my masters in it, but sadly its this world and I have to at some point sit down and study Corporate Reporting and Analysis of Financial Statements(Not so affectionately nicknamed Corp-Rape). Sadly, my performance in said course was not an April Fools Joke, and one prays and hopes I pass the finals.

On the plus side, I can now write some pretty cool essays involving property rights and free market solutions to development, the next best thing to actually enjoying property rights and free market solutions to development.

On the minus side, I've spent more than the healthy amount of alloted hours life does at the Library. If they offered a place to shower and a bed to sleep, I think I'd never leave for a week. Highly disturbing.

I don't know if its just the exams, or the end of second year (have I bitched about that yet? Half my college life is over and I'm going to be twenty soon!) but I need a change. I hope my summer helps me find something more fun than what's been going on so far. When I come back to college for third year, I'm doing lesser courses, having no positions of responsibility, and just generally learning to relax in life.
Yeah, right.
At least I'll try.


General Pervez Musharraf said...

With all due respect, I'm alarmed at the very thought of an idiot who can't distinguish the appropriate usage of "its" from "it's" actually maintaining a blog.

I'll bet you're one of those people who think to themselves, "One's blog is the story of one's life - a living diary. If it happens, one blogs about it. And one makes it as entertaining as possible."

But the sad truth is that your style of blogging is a bit like having your personality sucked out of you, then having it digested by Fritz Haarman and then smeared all over your face and then over the faces of just about everyone else.

It's postmodern writing void of everything that makes postmodernism a departure from conventional ramblings that are both meritless and inappropriate.

Anonymous said...

I think you write excellently.

General Pervez Musharraf said...

But of course, I wouldn't dream of doing otherwise.

Vrinda said...

hehe, man, what did you do to piss them off:P

Anonymous said...

Dear General Musharraf - I hope you can take a few moments out from your busy schedule to settle a minor dispute I have with my friend.

My friend is of the opinion that Bhavya, the author of this sorry excuse for a blog, is a repugnant git who should have his laptop snatched by the git police.

I on the other hand could not disagree more. Personally, I feel that Bhavya is a malodorous cretin who deserves to be castrated in as painful a manner as possible.

If you agree with me, perhaps you could also suggest some medieval methods of castration? (once we find his balls of course)

General Pervez Musharraf said...

Dear anonymous,

Not having encountered, in person, this unctuous, unguinous uredo, I do not consider myself qualified to comment on whether it is you or your friend who is waxing vaniloquence and on whether it is you or your friend with whom I am in unisonous harmony. However, having read his ululations on urbarial usufruct, I can categorically confirm that the rogue in question is cacestogenously cacique and so deserves to have his lappaceous lapillus luxated by lemurs.

Unknown said...

May I suggest the Olive Press.

GPM, are/were you a student of St. Stephens University? You seem to exude the class, wit and lack of brevity that students from said esteemed college usually do.

General Pervez Musharraf said...

Close, but no cigar.

I went to St. Patrick's High School in Saddar Town and then to Forman Christian College in Lahore.

To find out more about me, please read my autobiography, "In the line of fire: A memoir."

I encourage you to own a copy of this fine work, you may purchase it here.