Sunday, February 20, 2005


Urinals have always been thought do be drab, dull boring things. Well, usually, they are. You go in, do yer stuff, get out, there's no major skill or design that could go into improving something as vastly simple as a men's urinal.
Ah, but you forget, we live in an age of wonder and liberazation, where ideas and technology rush at as faster than the eye can see.
So first came the fancy schmany ones with those infra-red sensor thingummies, the one's that would flush when you moved away from them. These were rare, and far between, and had the whole gimmick value.
But they didn't stop there. Now, public toilets have gone pay, in certain areas, like Khan Market. In the loo, you have loud old hindi music playing, which is kind of disconcerting.

But the king of all urinal distractions must go to the loo in The Marriot Hotel, which had the day's sports columns strategically placed at eye level above the urinal in the loo, so, for the half a minute you are taking a leak, you may be entertained by what Read Madrid did the past week, or the Indian Cricket Team's latest disaster.

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