Friday, March 26, 2004

The Year In Review: Part de Deux

Its long overdue, but hey, I just didn't get the time. But before I start, I'd just like to say that I'm very very happy, as I've got a 84.6% aggregrate in my finals, dispite such pressing factors as India-Pakistan matches, and week long excursions to Kanpur just before the papers.
Anyhoos, back to the point. Taking off right where I left off.

October: First off in october was the Mod Quiz, at MSVV, where I had the double joy of not only winning, but also ensuring that Modern School, Barakhamba didn't come second.
October time was exam time, and our second terminals went quite well for me. I managed an 84, which was good enough.
After my exams was Diwali break, and I had a good time. Diwali is family time for me, and hey, its all about loving your parents, eh?

NovemberPost Diwali, on joining school, I had a treat, insomuch as I went to Thailand as a part of my winnings in the Asimo thingummy. It was, as promised, a very "educational trip", one that I won't fast forget. Also did a great deal of shopping, and got a lot of stuff that I really like, including excellent clothing, sunglasses, food(unfortunately all eaten now), and a neat little flashdrive-mp3 player for my brother.
Later in november, there were a few more fun competitions, and I went and won my first debate of the year. Goodums.

December:December was a really interesting month. I won't tell you why because this post still technically comes under Mundane Musings.

January: All happenings of January have been blogged about. In short, it was the happy happy joy joy month, with great SAT results, and the most fun competition I went for all year.

February: My lasting memory of Feb will be IIT Kanpur, which I have blogged about at length. Aside from this, mostly padhai, leading upto Final Exams in march, and thus ended class 11.

I'm a twelvethie now. Its scary. I've just got a year left. I'll miss school like crazy, but knowing me, I'll love college too.


Such is the nature of things.

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