Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Demons of the Past

This is supposed to be a free access site, where anyone can say or do what they like, but there's a limit.
See, there's a constant spammer, a Mr./Ms/Shiramite Jamaican Doodh, who, while intensely dislikes reading my blog, chooses quite freely to comment upon it.
See, if you don't like it, don't read it, or offer some constructive criticism to make it better.
Uff, the advice is pointless, really. One would have thought that 10 years of experience would have taught me better.

So I went and blocked the Range of IP adress's that Jamiacan Doodh was posting on. If indentity of the above is indeed, one Stuti Gujral, head girl of the above mentioned institution, gawd bless em all.

So, as a kind request, if you're from TSRS, and your name is not Vinay Eapen, kindly fugg off my blog. I really have a problem with the pointless profanity.

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