Sunday, June 13, 2004

The Continuing Saga of Huhn and Torr

Allow me to give a brief explanation. Huhn and Torr are two characters I created. They're cavemen sorts, who I claim responsible for inventing all those things that were invented back when men were men, women were women, and large furry animals were Mammoths. These things include, but are not limited to, the worship of all sorts of things, money, gold, fashion, fire, and stones(They only had boulders back in those days, and it was really impractical to rub two boulders together to get fire).

Well, today, I shall share the story of how Huhn and Torr discovered Gold.

One day, Huhn and Torr were walking along a river bank, to get a sip of water. Suddenly, Huhn spotted something shiny down on the bedrock. So he bent over, picked it up, and turned to Torr, and told him, "Huuhn! Shiny!"
(Allow me to point out that I am translating, here, back in caveman days, they hadn't yet evolved english, and their language, while elegant, and simple, could not be depicted here, as the sound of the grunt cannot be conveyed phonetically)

Anyhow, back to the story. Well, Torr saw the shiny gold piece, and owing to his own peculiar sensibilities, he took quite a liking to it. Thus, he looked upon it with a calm, composed, and highly greedy air, and said in the nicest possible grunt he could muster, "Huhn, Torr Want Shiny!"

Now, Huhn didn't take to kindly to this, and did not reliquish the gold piece. Suddenly, that gold piece had become the most valuable commidity in CavemanLand. Despite Torr's efforts to barter his good loincloth, his only pair of stones, and his new invention, the axe-like-thing, for the gold piece, Huhn wasn't giving it up.

So it came to pass that Torr, in true Caveman fashion, used his fast evolving brain to realise that he could use the Axe-Like-Thing to bash in Huhn's skull, and he did so, thus also inventing illegal trade practices, and ambritage in the process.

Thus, Torr got the gold piece, and using its mighty Shiny Power, became pretty much the most important guy in CavemanLand. This was, of course, till his good friend Gutt found two gold pieces, and bought over his land, property, and good loincloths.

And this is the true story of how gold was discovered, and how its power in this world came to be.

Oh, and do go visit Baxtard's "The Space". One should give the young lad some encouragement. Mebbe then, he will get self concious, and shave of that creature growing on his upper lip.

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