Wednesday, June 23, 2004

The Irony of it All

Having nothing to do but maths (and a bit of physics) gives you a lot of time to think. Thinking is a terrible thing, by the way. It leads to ideas, and conclusions, and insights, which sound terrific while you are thinking, but are eminently boneheaded when you write them out, or reflect upon them in a busier, more practical state. To prove this, I'm going to write down what I've been thinking.

Okay, so here's the thing. A great premium is placed in this world on hearing, or listening, or inseminating knowledge. Music costs money, books cost money, listening to speakers costs money, the newspapers cost money, and all these things are really big business.
On the other hand, being heard, which actually is a lot more signicant than hearing, is almost free in todays world. This blog, for instance, is free. Writing your thoughts is free. Publishing them, though tough, is not only free, but actually makes you money. Thus something that should actually have more value, ends up giving you money, rather than spending it.

This is one of the few times that life is unfair in a good way. We are at a point in history, where being heard is easy, won't get you killed unless you're in one of the few surviving fascist or communist states, and can actually be a source of living. Its not always been like this. In the old days, being heard cost a lot of money, and a lot more. A lot of men died to get their point of view across.

So I thank the good world, for being this way when I'm around. For as pointless as my voice seems, at least I can get it across.

Wunnerful, wunnerful.

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