Monday, May 10, 2004

Well, Me Really

My brother's treat amongst my friends at Flavors provoked an often repeated discussion between me and PC. It relates basically to my Bluntness, its disadvantages, and, according to PC, the one sole advantage that it allowed me to be the only person to not have Zafar clinging to him. (I basically told him to fugg off)

This discussion, predictably, leads to the fact that this has made me make many enemies. Allow me to defend myself a bit. I have enemies, yes, but not many. Quite few, in fact, especially contrasted with the number of friends I make.
So I'll ask a question for my own feedback. Are some of you closer friends with me because of, or despite my bluntness?

Another point raised by PC, again an old one, but nevertheless pertinent, is that there are very few people that meet me that are indifferent to me. Whether or not this is correct, the reverse, I am sure, is not true. I do not share the same love-hate feelings with the world at large.

But again a question. Is it better to cultivate a large number of friends, and a good few enemies, or a small cliche of friends, a large number of people you're indifferent to, and keep no enemies?

As with many things, only time will tell.

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