Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Kiss the Cook

Highly productive day today, got everything I wanted to get done, done. It's been frikkin' ages since I've been able to say that, and I think I've done more actual work today than 3 months of Board Studying combined.

This is the last ever time I'm going to speak of those things on this sacrosanct space.

List of Important Things To Do

1. Find out how to service/replace iPod, which seemed to be leaking battery: Done. The same will be sent to Bangalore, and I will have to spend a wretched week without my moving music. Anyone willing to donate me a mini for a weeks time, please feel free to put your hands up right now.

2. Get egg and movies. See, a certain Mr. Skaran has this lovely sharpner egg, which I have asked him to lend to me for a couple of days, on several occasions. After asking nicely, I have asked not so nicely, but not to any avail. You see, my Friend Skaran is a stubborn arse when it comes to little matters like this, and he refuses to let me have any fun. Furthermore, he saves strange and disturbing comments that have been made on my site, ages back, for posterity.
So I stole the egg, and it now lies in my possession. I've been playing with it most of the day, and I'll be bored with it in a couple of days time(which is what I told him in the first place), and it shall be returned ever so kindly to him. Of course, now he's all upset, but he's Skaran, he's always upset.
3. Pick up books from School Library: Done. Reading material for the next 4 months has been garaunteed, as one has good impression and relationship with head librarian, who has accepted Rs 500 deposit, allowing me to issue pretty much whatever I like.
4. Design a name and poster for my intra-DPS quiz, which I'll be conducting next month. With the help of above mentioned stubborn, yet exceedingly sweet chap, wonderful poster has been designed for quiz.
5. Learn to cook Most Important Thing No. 1: Done. I cooked for entire family, Gaajar Gobi Pulao, and did a pretty darn sight decent job of it. I am the ultimate test to pass, if I will stuff my stomach full of something, it must be good, and as I write this, I am expectantly satiated. I think my addition of the wonderful Star Anise did the trick. Lovely aroma, that spice gives.

If I am bored, I shall write the entire recipe for the production of Pulao, and other rice derivatives. You always read the fancy shmancy recipe books that seem to take from granted that you know how to cook. More importantly, they take for granted that all your INGREDIENTS are ready for you. Not so. The simple instruction "Prepare and Chop Vegetables" is actually the hardest and most time consuming part of the whole operation. I have chopped my own veggies today, I feel good. Once you can handle yer veggies, you are ready to take on cuisine.
Ideally, I feel, someone who is learning how to cook should write the recipe book, so you know exactly what and what not to do. God is in the details.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

god is in the details