Wednesday, July 06, 2005


The scariest seven letters in the english language. N O T H I N G. I told you I'd find something to scare the beejeebers out of me, now that I'm comfortable with Lasagna, and here it is. Sheer and pure unadulterated boredom. It scares me silly. What's new, people ask. Nothing. What's up, people ask. Nothing. What did I do today, people may ask. Take a wild shot what the answer to that one is going to be.
So these things must change. The Blog itself is becoming dryer than Old Mother Hubbard's Cupboard. Since it is a journal of my life, and my life currently lacks writable things, shit is basically happening. This it is clearly obvious, must stop. Thus there are now things afoot. I have a new mountainload of books to get through, all of which I shall review. I must restart Mathematics and Statistics, because to be quite honest, it's been far too long without having studied anything. There's only so much a Dipsite can take. I need to get out and do new things which do not involve the words Priya, Saket or Barista. Otherwise, I run the very high risk of losing my hyperactive mind.

On the up side, I have half read a book, which I should finish and review tomorrow. I also need to make a kilotonne of questions for a couple of quizzes I must master before I depart these fine shores.

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