Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Last weekend, exactly three weeks before I leave these fine shores, or plains as the case may be(I am tempted to say "Lo! The Flat Hills of My Homeland" in the manner of one Adrian Allan Mole) I recieved diktat from Mother Dearest. She told me to get the suitcase down, the Very Big One.
Actually, she had been telling me this for close to a week, but I loudly protested, that it was ages before I was to leave and it made no sense to take down, brush up and size out the suitcase at that point. But mother's are, well, mothers and beyond a point argument is next to impossible. Hence, I brought the Very Big Suitcase down, and it was much appreciated. Members of August Clan looked upon in, said, yes it is very big but one knows not if it is Very Big Enough. Seeing as how I had just about exhausted my resistance towards motherly whims, I was now told by elderly matriarch to pack the damn thing, to see if the space was adequete.
Now, let me tell you that when I say "Very Big Suitcase", I mean it. This thing could pretty much fit me in it, with space left over for my linen. Thus I saw this as quite a ridiculous excercise. Sure enough, half an hour later, after the entire contents of my summer wardrobe, two bath towels, socks, electric pink socks, underwear and the Box Set of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy had been packed inside, a third of the space still remained to be filled.
Wonderful, said my mother. "Everything fits just fine. Now, unpack everything and put it back."

At this point, I had had enough. I had just put together all my personal effects minus one, shoved it in a bag, very nicely folded all my clothing and generally done a good job of it. I'd be damned if I was going to put everything right back, considering I'd have to take part in this excercise in another two and a bit weeks anyhow. So I didn't.
I have, thus, been living out of my suitcase for close to a week now, and it's not that bad a thing. Everything is pretty neat and orderly, which is remarkable considering the general chaotic condition my cupboard exists in. I know exactly what clothes I have, which doesn't make much of a difference, because they're all either blue or gray anyways. The best part is, all I have left to pack is a couple of pairs of clothing and shoes, and personal effects. So I can bask in my last few days here by recieving undue attention from members of August Clan without having to worry about having anything to do.Everything, as usual, works out in the end.

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