Sunday, June 05, 2005

Review : Freakonomics

By Stephen D. Levitt

And some chap named Stephen Dubner, who actually wrote it out.

This is an incredibly hearteningly wonderful book, that made me instantly regret now applying to University of Chicago, I would have got there just to get the opportunity to be taught be the author, for he is a rare genius.

Okay, so about the book. It comes with a statuatory warning, it has no underlying theme. It is highly random, and basically moves to answer questions that the author, an Economist has asked about the world, and tried to find reasons, based on simple economics and statistics.

His findings are startling, and you get that feeling of "Jeez! How in the world did he think of that!". If you don't, than congratulations. You're decently smart enough yourself, so pat yourself on the back. Alternatively, you're a ruddy egotic liar, and give it a rest already.
The questions he asks range from mundane to enlightening, from Why Statistics go to Prove Sumo Wrestlers and School Teachers are cheats, to why legalized and cheap abortion 20-30 years ago has led to a massive decline in the US Crime rate. Didya ever think of that? I think not.
The blurb on the cover said "Prepared to be Dazzled", and I must admit I was. If one does strive to find a theme in this book, it is to train yourself to look at the world stripped of all conventional wisdom, and go to the facts of the matter.

What can I say, I loved it!

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