Sunday, January 25, 2004


Papa recently returned from a Europe trip, bringing with him Gouda from Holland, which is very very nice. Today I dedided to indulge in one of my favorite culinary delights, crackers with cheese.

You get very good crackers from Brittania in India, but the cheese is the problem. That of course, was solved, with very very good Garlic Flavoured Gouda.

A forewarning must be given. Crackers with cheese is an aquired taste, everyone may not enjoy it, and absolutely do not have it with proccessed cheese, the point is in enjoying the flavour of a particular cheese.
My love for crackers and cheese, and thus desire to try it out, stems from a stop motion clay animation series called Wallace and Gromit, which was brilliant in itself. It was about a meek yorkshireman, and his dog, and his nutty inventions, and of course, love for cheese and crackers.

Back to the point. Cheese and crackers are a tremendous culinary delight, from a country and region known for doling out such terrible things as Spotted Dick, Shepards Pie, and of course haggis, which is possibly the most hideous dish ever created by man, save anything to do with Karelas.

So get some decent cheese from Modern Bazaar, and some crackers from the local market, and a cheese sliceer (yes such a thing does exist, I own one), and try it out.

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