Wednesday, September 15, 2004

The Way of the Damned

Here's how exam time works in DPS, and quite frankly, in most schools.
One month before the exams, teachers start making noises about how the exams are coming, and how we should all diligently prepare, by doing small amounts of work everyday. Exactly 3 people decide that this is actually a prudent course of action, and go ahead and do it. These three shall henceforth be known as Smartass Class Toppers.
So, for the next two weeks, the rest of us make noises about how the exams are coming, and thus social engagements start getting cancelled, and the great art of procrastination begins. For majority of populace, nothing significant will happen for a while.
Three weeks before the exams start, a few desparate people like me, who really need decent marks for a change, decide that there's something to this little-bit-study thing after all, especially since the datesheet has come out, and you realise that there is no way you can study for the Chemistry paper in a day and a half, and thus rush to finish of your course. The rest of the populace's procrastination now reaches epic proportions, and social engagements and competitions are now pretty much non-existent.
Two weeks before d-day, desparate people like me realise that more than little bit a day is now needed, and start bunking things like tuition to study(Ironic, isn't it?). Studying is now serious, and takes place for upto 3 hours after school.
The Smartass Class Toppers now study upto 4-5 hours a day, to ensure that there's no way they're getting less than 86 aggregate in the papers.
Now, the procrastinators realise that they've got to get to work, and since little bits of studying didn't really do it for them, they now bunk school in an effort to study. I find this really silly, quite frankly, because you've got to be stark raving mad to study more than 6 hours a day at home. Its not right, unless you've got a paper in two days.
One week before, and school attendance dwindles to minimum, all you get are Smartass Class Toppers, and Vela People like me, who need to complete syllabus, notes, and generally get topics cleared, because they spent most of the last two months out of class, in competition.
4 days before, prep leave starts, and even vela blogs such as this will die. Okay, they won't, but when you've done studying all that you can for the day, or all that you've planned out for the day, and there's no one to talk to, you gotta do something.

So if anyone else shares my Vela tendancies during exam time, you know where to get your daily dose of Blah!

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