Friday, December 03, 2004

Aged Mother Day

Today was me mum's budday! Yes, my mother turned some-age-I-shall-not-mention today, and I did my best to ensure she had a nice fun day. For a birthday present, I procured three of her favourite movies in a VCD collection, and it was indeed, much appreciated.
In return, one got to eat at a remarkable but underrrated chinese retraunt at Ansal Plaza, named The Oriental Bloom.
Now, even by my standards, this blog has focussed on food too much, so I shall not mention in great detail that the food was great. I will instead tell you the some of the special circumstances that this restraunt has involved in time immemorial.
Time immemorial, I must point out, is class 10, the last time we were patrons at the joint. Now,this place does the full chinese restraunt experience, which means they're nice enough to give you tea on the house, chopsticks to use(yes, I can use them), and the final touch, Fortune Cookies to end your meal.
Now, I was very impressed with the whole fortune cookie thing in class 10, it was the first time I had been to a place that actually gave them. I was so impressed, in fact, that a week or so later, during a Creative Writing Competition in class 10, I wrote an entire story revolving around a guy who's life was being determined by fortune cookies and chinese food. Hey, you can't blame me for at least trying to keep food out of this entry. Anyhow, after writing the damn thing, I was Hazaar sure I would win the contest, because, hey, it was an incredibly creative, dark piece of writing. Thus, I felt no qualms about saying so to all and sundry. Now, all and sundry of course included one particular person, who was meeting me for the first time, but due to my general brash and stupid nature, I kept a wonderful record of making the worst possible first impression with said person. I later found this out a year and a half later, when it came up in another completely unrelated conversation. I came second in the competition, by the way, and no prizes for guessing who upped me to first. This had led to its own great series of events, as it became a matter of interest to me to find out more about someone who could have beaten me at that event, because they must have written a bloody exceptional piece to do so.
While I never got to read the piece, it became quite clear in a short period of time that the author was exceptional enough to up it, and more. Thus, I wrote a whole story about fortune cookies influencing the life a poor gormless soul, and it seems that everything I write as well, now comes back to bite me in the ass, as I don't think that more influence has ever happened due to the opening of one tiny fortune cookie.
Well, the one I had today promised me that " Your attention will be deeply returned".
On about three or four different levels, I'm hoping this one comes true.
(crosses fingers for PENN)
If any of you leave best of luck comments, I'll kill you all.
I don't think anyone else ever has done more to discourage commenting on his blog, yet you keep at it. I thank you, kind readers.
Two more minutes, and I'll have to write a happy birthday blog for my brother.

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