Monday, November 08, 2004

Access Denied

The second day of Access didn't go so well, but then, it went well enough for school in general, so nyap nyap nyap, basically.
Anyhow, here's the low down.
I came third in crossword, which is good as I got a podium, going in as team two from school. Our team one, won, which as also good, cos we scored a nice load of points over there. Thanks to our gamers, who got a dopieta, we've got a slim 300 point lead in the final tally, so lets see how that goes.
I've got a GD tomorrow, for which I'm missing day one of the school carnival, so I'm really hoping day one will go quite spectacularly boringly, as its mostly a lot of gassing about with L-G of Delhi coming. GD is my speciality event, so I'm kinda hoping I manage a position in it.
Ugh, enough of competitions, it boils the blood. Actually, it doesn't, they're great fun, but only as long as you're taking part in them.

I know this is getting really repetitive, but consider it a weeklong series of insights I've had into myself. Trust me, they'll all vanish soon enough, and I won't bother myself with them for another good load of time.
Anyhow, this is it. I'm a stubborn ass. Many people know this, and have commented towards the same(though not on this blog). Notable among these people is my Educational Counsellor, Mamta Sharma, who as a direct result of my stubborness had to spend one of her saturdays writing my recco letter, as I sure as hell wasn't going to write my own. This is a part of my stubborness, you see, if I think something is wrong, that is, if something conflicts with certains RULES I have set for myself, no amount of reason, or sweetening/buttering is going to make me change my mind. This conflicted majorly with two of my great five rules, and that's a bit too much, really. Even one is enough to set off my mule like attitude, but two, and you've got yourself the provobial rock and hard place.
Anyhow, so here are my current, five hardcore rules for life, the universe, and everything. They're little unbreakable things I set for myself, so that I don't have regrets, because what I've come to realise is that what hurts you most whenever you start thinking (which unfortunately happens quite randomly, and excessively, go ask Skaran) are regrets, things you wish you hadn't, or had done. With these maxims, I ensure that I can almost never have done anything that goes against what I felt I should have.
I'd like to remember them, when I grow old and senile, so might as well right them down, what? So here they are.
Rule 1 : Honesty : I used to be a pathalogical liar right up to age six, where I am told I would lie for the sheer fun of it. I regret that, so I no longer lie. I've never cheated on an exam, or monday test, or whatever. Is it wrong? Who knows, but it hurts my ego to lie or cheat anymore. And I've got one hell of an ego.
Rule 2: Honour: Very important rule. You'll run into people all the time, to whom you will be indebted, because, hey, people are nice and do wonderful things. Some people, anyway. It is then, of utmost importance to honour them. Secondly, and more importantly, honour thyself(doesn't that sound all formal and greek/latin?). Its useless living a life which you don't want to live, just because you feel you're going to get ahead.
Rule 3: Respect: Much related to honour, but not completely. When you honour something, it sometimes an obligation, with respect, it never is. Go out of your way to work/encourage/generally touch hands and feet of that which you respect. I feel very strongly about that, and hope that I will continue to do so.
Unfortunately, I also have a very teenage, headstrong belief that you should go out of your way to abuse that which you do not respect, which I'm hoping I'll grow out of in time. Otherwise, hehe, I'll live in interesting times.
Rule 4: Bhavya's Talisman: I've given myself a Talisman. Whenever you are in doubt over your course of action, think, will this make me happy in the short or more importantly, in the long run? Will what I am doing matter at all to my happiness even a week from now? Will it eventually hurt my happiness? When you've answered these questions, you'll realise that there's no sense in doing that which pisses you off. Even at the price of success, and I'm someone who LOVES success.
Rule 5: Do not EVER let anything disturb you during your meals. Unless someone's suicidal, or there's a medical emergency, there's nothing so important that it can't wait for after lunch/dinner/breakfast.
Damn straight.
These five have kept me happy for two years now, and I don't really remember being pretty happy before that.
I guess I just respond better to being a rigid, stubborn ass.
As many people have heard before
Ah, well.
Such is life.

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