Monday, October 18, 2004

Blokkad Dose and Scratchy Throat

After what has been a particularly long time, over a year and a half at least, I've fallen good and properly sick, whole shebang of Cold, low fever, bad throat, and general tiredness associated with being ill. This, of course, doesn't count instances of Ulcerous Stomachs, as those involve completely different circumstances. Anyhow.
My long lasting miracle cure didn't work, this time. I had monstrously large amounts of food on Sunday, but to no avail, what was fated was fated, and monday morning my body had decided that enough was enough, and it needed a good and proper break, where it would sleep for prolonged periods of time, groan, and complain and generally make a decent ass of itself. Thus I've spent most of the day placating it with Copious quantities of Tulsi Ki Chai, and have been responsible for Defoliating pretty much the entire shrub in the garden outside. No more Tulsi ki Chai for a couple of days, at least, it seems there aren't any leaves left.
I was also feeling so proud yesterday. Around nine o clock last night, I sit down and start to think.
Mere paas Chemistry Project hai.
Mere paas complete chem file hai.
Mere paas *Ma* bhi hai.
Mere paas Zukaam hai.
With that realisation, the other three kind of went to pot. Ironic, I think is the word, when you've worked your butt off to complete something by the deadline, and you realise that you still can't submit on the required day. I think the word for it begins with a "B".
Anyhow, I've resolved not to be a useless piece of so and so for the last couple of months of school life, so I made an otherwise dead day quite productive. I finished off the entire LST Legal Reasoning package, over three hours. I then sat down and watched a very interesting documentry on Termites, you won't belive the things those little buggers can get upto. They're even used for gold prospecting these days, as well as for miracle cures in Central Africa. Additionally, their Queen Termite Ant is one Mother of a creature, in quite the literal erm. During its longer than most ant existence, it gives birth to a baby every second or so. Not to be outdone is the King ant, who spends most of his sovereign life ensuring that there is a baby born every one second.
However, this is not the life.
The second documentry I saw was one about introducing Tigers into the African Savanna, to ensure they don't die out. Also very interesting. There's really something quite awe-inspiring about a tiger on the prowl, you really get what William Blake was on about when he wrote "Tyger Tyger", which is also one of my favourite poems.
What immortal hand or eye, could frame thy fearful symmety?
I'm in a real quandry now. I'm feeling damn crappy, and if I go to school, I risk becoming really really crappy, and screwing up my whole week. I think I'll just give it a funk, get better quick, and spend the day doing more productive studying.

Another interest question poses itself. You're supposed to feed a cold, and starve a fever. What happens if you have both? Will Bolemia cure all your ails? I dread to give it a try.

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