Wednesday, October 20, 2004

In Sickness and in Health

Right, I thought I was well today, and it turns out, I wasn't. There are many reasons to this.
Firstly, my fever's all but gone, and my nose is clear. However, I have developed, largely in part due to some disgusting ayurvedic Churan that my mother force feeds me(The purpose of this Churan, by the way, is to sooth my throat), a horrible horrible cough, which randomly breaks out whenever the hell it feels like it. Take for example, maths class.
"We must integrate twice, to get two consta-----COUGH COUGH"
This gets quite distracting for hapless maths teachers, who on the same day must fill in my Projected Marks for board exams.
Not only in class, this terrible cough involved itself in polite conversation as well, where many of my most terrible jokes were interrupted because I couldn't speak consistenly for over two minutes without breaking out into a fit of coughing.
Thus, I am back to bedrest at home. Thank heavens that we've got a couple of holidays, otherwise, bad things would have happened.
Anyhow, the reason I dragged myself out of bed, and trudled up down to school is that our Education Counsellor, Ms. Mamta Sharma is going on a week long trip to Korea with the Principal, for reasons that are beyond as lowly students. She's doing this right in the middle of Early Desicion time for colleges, so we were required to finish today, what most people would be spending the next two weeks over. Thus, one had to go running from teacher to teacher to solicit projected marks/letters of recommendations and other such thingummies. You have no idea the amount of information these colleges require about you, you might as well tell them to go read your blog, if you have one.
The interesting thing is, the college I'm apping to, U Penn, does actually frequent Blah! My little statistics meter thingummy regularly tells me that I get readers from this esteemed college, so do leave a comment if you're one of them!
Right, so as I had said, I had also written essays and statements for the app. and had submitted the aforementioned to Madam Counsellor for approval. Along with this, I gave Shutterbug, my new favourite story of mine, as I wanted to submit that as the additional talent type thing. Since I'm no good at art, I thought I might as well give em a short story, which is something I'm pretty decent at constructing. Anyhow, back to the point. She told me, in no more convoluted words, that I must not use the word "Gripe" in my story, as it is a casual word, and will make the admissions board think that I have a laid back attitude towards life in general. She asked me to remove this word, and instead use "Complain".
Let this sink in, for a while.
I'm serious.
These were her words. I'm not exxagerating.
She also told me the phrase "his health was shot" is unnecesary slang, and might be construed as me having no respect for the language.
Well, I apologise. I'm not one to gripe about my mistakes, and I'll be rightly buggered if I ever use slang again.
Yes, I'll stop trying to be funny, now.
Ashtami is tomorrow. I hope my throat is up to some nice Puri Halwa for morning breakfast, you only get to have it so often.
Right, additions have been made to my blog-roll of honour, as well as omissions. Go have a looksie.

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